The overall scientific objective of the MALADES project, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), is to provide sovereign Large Language Models (LLMs) for French that are adapted to the biomedical domain and have the additional capability of dynamically integrating verified knowledge extracted from a set of textual data. Healthcare professionals will take advantage of advanced NLP tools that incorporate the latest generative LM breakthrough using vocal interaction. To achieve this, the project addresses various challenges such as the sensitivity of personal health data, limited material resources, performance evaluation, and integration of voice modality:
A case-based study of the legal and ethical aspects of LLMs and their associated tools in the medical field.
The massive collection of health-related speech data to address the lack of this type of media in health warehouses. This includes the proposition of original approaches to integrate voice interaction into LLMs.
New use cases to qualitatively assess LLMs on generative tasks that are almost non-existent in French.
Innovative approaches for the construction of compact, dynamic and sovereign LLMs for the biomedical field.